For founders in search of co-pilots, contemporaries and partners for their biggest step

Your home to learn, share and build. To avoid pitfalls in your next chapter. And to achieve the exit and legacy that you and your team have been building towards.

Help me build

C-Suite support on your terms

We’ve built businesses on 5 continents. We’ve exited and failed; built for impact and built for profit. Expanded to sixty geographies and struggled in one.

Weve seen product market fit and had more work than we can handle. Weve seen pipelines empty and learned to fill them.

Enver is the support we wish we had had to catalyse growth and ultimately build out our businesses faster and more efficiently.

We want to make reaching your goals and releasing capital for you and your team more accessible than ever before.

Book a free 45min consultation now

Move faster with less effort

Most founders find it hard to work on medium and long term goals, for all the short term efforts. We offer projectised, outcome driven results as accountably as your in house C-Suite, but without waiting for a six month recruitment cycle, and the long term investment.

Chief Technology Officer

Leverage tech keeping you efficient, up the curve, and building value.

Chief Growth Officer

Growth planning with strategic partnerships, diversification and market entry.

Chief Finance Officer

Governance, structure, cash flow & financials working for you.

Hand in glove with you on highest value work

We combine financial, legal and digital expertise to streamline your priorities. We help you design your growth strategy and milestones, and consolidate your systems in order to attract the partners you need.

We don’t cheer from the sidelines we get stuck into the weeds, accountably and on time.

Tell me more
  • Consult

    Establish core issues

    Define current stage and next phase

    Define narrative objectives

  • Validation

    Review company health

    Reflect with core stakeholders

    Unpack financial position, vulnerabilities and opportunities

  • Navigate

    Agree and align medium and long term goals

    Establish immediate core priorities and roadmap

    Agree timeline and approach

Where we are

  • London

  • Brussels

  • San Francisco

  • Singapore

Get in touch